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I've contributed to many, many open source projects, but there are a few that I'm especially proud of. These are all projects that I've either created or contributed to significantly.

  • Flask-Admin

    I added GeoAlchemy support to Flask-Admin.

    • 2015 to 2016
  • Flask-Dance

    I created this project out of a sense of frustration: although there were several Flask extensions for doing OAuth with Flask, none of them had the concise, powerful API that I knew was possible. So, I wrote it myself. Many people have told me that it's far easier to use than Flask-OAuth or Flask-OAuthlib, and it's been growing in popularity. I would like to teach Flask-Dance how to operate as an OAuth provider, instead of just as an OAuth consumer, but I haven't yet had a need to do so. Anyone want to help?

    • since 2014
  • Flask-SSE

    Server-sent events are great for doing push-notification style events in JavaScript, but Flask didn't have a dedicated extension for using it. I found some example code that worked pretty well, but it was verbose and overly complex. I cleaned up this code, simplified it, added a few new features, some automated tests, some documentation, and put it up on PyPI.

    • since 2016
  • Lektor

    I am a core committer for Lektor, the static CMS framework that this website is built on. I contributed Python 3 support to the project.

  • Lektor-Google-Drive

    I wrote this project at the Write the Docs NA 2016 conference in Portland, OR. I had recently discovered Lektor, and I was showing it to other people at the conference, one of whom came up with the idea of a CMS that was backed by Google Drive, instead of a database. I realized that I could do that with Lektor, and decided to make it happen.

    • since 2016
  • Open edX

    I used to work for edX, the company behind Open edX. I worked as a software engineer for about a year, and helped clean up and organize the project's Javascript, turning it from a tangled mess of <script> tags into a modern, modular system using require.js. Then I switched over to the open source team to help the open source community, and ended up writing a bot to integrate GitHub and JIRA so that edX and the community could be more productive and communicative.